what is aSPOA

The Asia and South Pacific Ostomy Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to quality ostomy patient care, up to date patient information and the formation of support groups. 

The ASPOA is composed of member countries that provides help to ostomates. We work hand in hand with surgeons, wound and ostomy care nurses for the advancement of ostomy care and practice in the region.

A free webinar for all ostomates and Nurses in the Region

We encourage everyone to register by clicking this link: https://bit.ly/ASPOA2025_1

The Tri-fold Goal

support groups
The ostomates who are willing to make a start and work with others to form a support group and promote ostomy advocacy
AS collaborators
The valuable support of doctors and nurses providing medical information in dealing with ostomy issues and concerns that can resolve anxiety from ostomates
Without these companies there will be no products and life for ostomates will be very difficult.
Manufaturers too support in the promotion of World Ostomy Day activities

president's Message

Get to know the latest announcements and directives straight from the President

House of Delegates Meeting

When we gather to discuss the organizational plan and decision making with the delegates from the region

World Ostomy Day 2025 Celebration

Our Partner Associations

The mandate of the ASPOA is to promote awareness of the rights of ostomy patients as stated in the Constitution

The ASPOA will provide a venue for information sharing from the member countries by maintaining its website; publishing periodic activity reports and/or newsletters;  and by convening a Regional Conference every trimester.

On this website you will find brief information on the different member associations, news and activities across the region and announcements on the latest ostomy updates. We encourage contributions and articles from your respective countries for publication. Email us at webmaster@ostomyasiasouthpacific.org.

WOD theme 2025

"Invisible Disabilities: Visible Support ... The Global Unity of Ostomates"