Activities and events
of World Ostomy Day

Ostomy Association of India celebrates WOD 2018

World Ostomy day (WOD) is celebrated all over the world. In India too it is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervour.

Over the years it has been celebrated with Ostomates invited to a full day session of classroom style lectures and topped off by an interactive ET session.

In many other parts of the world WOD is celebrated by rallies, Runs & talk shows with proper event management.

Ostomy India is working towards going closer to the ostomate all year round rather than the getting them to us. We have realised that ground realities in India are far removed from other places. The number of ostomates on the outside are the proverbial tip of the iceberg with a majority being closet ostomates.

As a part of our activities to get that closet ostomate join the mainstream, we are on a campaign to sensitise the care givers. As the name suggests, the care givers are our first line of support to rehabilitate the ostomate and take care of their fragile mindsets when they hear of the big-C within.

The care givers are into something very noble, there is no take away for them, its just giving. We are attempting to add to their repertoire by screening two documentaries on Ostomy which would speak far more than any lecture and add to their mental make up. What better than to strengthen the care givers, the documentaries are really heart warming and leave you with a lump in your throat.

The documentaries are (1) OSTOMATE and (2) NO MORE SECRETS

Going by the geographies of the disease, we have circulated above documentaries to major hospitals who handle ostomy surgeries in those areas with a request to celebrate WOD by screening them to their respective caregivers.

In addition, we are also screening them at every camp we hold. From our perspective, WOD stays in the foreground all year round as we try to get that elusive closet ostomate to join the mainstream. To conclude, we celebrate WOD all year round at every opportunity, to spread the word around..YOU ARE NOT ALONE, the CAN in cancer means it can be cured.

A few pictures of the screenings as well as camps are being shared.

Some more are available on Association-of-India-293072461301033/

Click to watch No More Secrets

Best regards,
Uday Kerwar
Ostomy India

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