Official News Communications

Remembering Jill Newton on her passing

I first met Jill when I was elected to the Federation of NZ Ostomy Societies Inc. Executive in 2003 and one thing has always stood out to me and that was her total dedication to other people be it through the Ostomy Federation, Ostomy society or her work with the civil defence. When I went to Christchurch in 2011 with Salvation Army to assist in the earthquake recovery I remember ringing her to be told that she had been working for 48 hours straight!

Jill was always the person who put her hand up when things needed to be done and when she took over the editorship of the NZ Ostomate magazine she threw herself into the project head first and did a bloody great job.

In 2010 Barry Maugham, Jill and I attended the IOA conference in Frankfurt Germany and two things stood out about Jill at this event, the first was being foolish enough to offer to go for a walk one morning as we had been indoors for quite some time, I really never knew that she could walk so dam fast and just never stopped. The second was when we heard about the terrorist threat in Germany and everyone was told to restrict their outdoor activity, not Jill, she was determined to go over the road to the railway station to buy some stamps and so we went over to watch the German police with machine guns and dogs guarding the area.

I firmly believe that life is not lived in years alone but in achievement also and in her time on earth Jill achieved more than many would do in a dozen lifetimes. Jill was always happy to be involved and as VP of the Asia and South Pacific Ostomy Association she was considered a valuable member of the team and will be sadly missed.

Richard McNair
Asia and South Pacific Ostomy Association