Official News Communications

World Ostomy Day 2012 – Singapore

23rd September –2nd October 2012 – I was invited to participate in WOD celebrations in Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia during the above time frame as they could not organise on 6th October 2012 as official IOA WOD.

I participated in WOD celebrations in Singapore at RELC international hotel, organised by local Ostomy groups from different hospitals along with a large group from Singapore general hospital (SGH ) as well as surgeons from SGH Nurses from SGH and few members of Singapore Cancer society (SCS ). Mr Patrick Wong, Coloplast Hong Kong & his team from HK as well as Mrs Lynette Lai and her team from Coloplast – Singapore were present to give help to organise this event.

There was one ostomate with his care giver from Jakarta, Indonesia also had attended this event. My press interview had appeared in Sunday Times on 16th September 2012,
local English daily (Times) a week before the WOD celebrations so many people participated in the event reading this article..

There were two sessions one in Chinese & other in English. Lectures were from local surgeon Dr Ng Chee Yung about current status of treatment of Cancer of Colon and rectum, ET nurse Ms Ong Choo Eng both from SGH, gave the account of Stoma Care in Singapore and mine was about Managing Stoma & Life and tips about various issues that ostomates have during
their daily life.

There were about 60 ostomates and care givers for Chinese session and about 70-80 people attended English session. There were many questions and problems that ostomates face were raised and they were given satisfactory solutions for the same by local experts .

At the end of this event light refreshments and soft drinks were served. Local Coloplast team took me around Singapore next day which was very nice and I also enjoyed their local hospitality.